久违了, 吉祥尊者的佛法开示再发布下载,欢迎各界贤友们欢喜下载恭听共沾法益。下面发布了7个由华语、英语和双语主讲的佛法开示与问答以飨贤友们:

120826 以智慧做布施与其他佛法问答(华语)

121029 向大自然学习(华语)

130805 禅修引导 Guided Meditation(华英双语)

130814 上座部佛教的临终关怀与其他问答(华语)

130818 南传佛教简介—于南北传佛教交流营的分享(华语)

130831 Saturday night Dhamma Questions and Answers(英语)

130901 言不由衷或善意谎言好不好?与其他佛法问答(华语)

* Attention to email subsribers: We have separated our newsletter into Chinese & English, please visit our English page to register your email address again if you would like to receive our news in English.
