Sorry for a long wait. Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Dhamma, Ven. U Mangala ‘s Dhamma talks in Chinese, English and Bi-lingual are newly release for public download, may all be free and delight to download:

120826 以智慧做布施与其他佛法问答 (Chinese: Performing Dana with Wisdom and other Dhamma Q&A)

121029 向大自然学习 (Chinese: Learning from Nature)

130805 禅修引导 Guided Meditation (English and Chinese)

130814 上座部佛教的临终关怀与其他问答 (Chinese: Theravada Buddhist ‘s Way in Palliative Care and other Dhamma Q&A)

130818 南传佛教简介—于南北传佛教交流营的分享 (Chinese: Brief Introduction to Theravada Buddhism – A Dhamma sharing during Theravada and Mahayana Buddhist Fellowship Camp)

130831 Saturday night Dhamma Questions and Answers (English)

130901 佛法问答 (Chinese: Is it ok to speak with one’s tongue in one’s cheek? and other Dhamma Q&A)

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