KBBS Kathina Ceremony 2011
Kuching Bhagavan Buddhist Society (KBBS) Kathina Ceremony 2011 Programs
古晋菩提法苑欢迎您来参加功德衣庆典的盛會。庆典前夕和当天将有一系列活动如捐血,参观<兜率天修行林>新场地,禪修指導,放映幻燈片, 點燈(繞禪堂),誦经,供养佛, 供养四資具及功德衣,佛法开示及放生等活动。Sayadaw U Kancana等数十位僧侣, samaneras(沙马内拉)和数十位的sayalay (十戒女),皆有参加功德衣庆典的盛会。欢迎来随喜分享功德。
To celebrate the forthcoming Kathina Day, KBBS will organize a series of activities including blood donation, tour to Tusita new sites, guided meditation, slide show, candle light surrounding Meditation Hall, chanting, offering to Buddha, offering of four requisites and Kathina robes, Dhamma talk and releasing of captives. Sayadaw U Kancana a group of Bhantes, Samaneras and Sayalays will be attending the ceremony. All are welcomed to rejoice and share the merits.
<兜率天修行林>卡提那功德衣庆典Tusita Hermitage KATHINA CEREMONY |
15 October 2011 / 2011年10月15日(Kathina Eve卡提那衣庆典前夕) | |
Time 時間 | Programme 節目 |
2:00-5:00pm | Blood Donation 捐血 |
5:00pm | Tour to Tusita New Sites 参观兜率天修行林新场地 |
6:30pm | Guided meditation 禪修指導 |
7:30pm | Interview 小參 |
8:00-8:30pm | Slide Show 放映幻燈片 |
8:30-9:30pm | Dhamma Talk 佛法開示 |
9:30pm | Lighting of candle surrounding Meditation Hall 點燈(繞禪堂) |
9:40pm | Sharing of Merits 功德分享/迥向 |
16 October 2011 / 2011年10月16日 (Kathina Day / 卡提那衣庆典) | |
Time 時間 | Programme 節目 |
7:00am | Breakfast dana 早餐供養 |
8:45am | Arrival of Sanghas & nuns at meditation hall 僧伽及尼師入座 |
9:00am | Chanting 誦经 |
9:30-10:30am | Dhamma Talk 佛法開示 |
11:00am | Lunch Dana 午餐供養 |
1:00pm | Dhamma Talk 佛法開示 |
1:15pm | Offering of flower, light, incense, four requisites and Kathina Robe 供佛,供四資具及功德衣 |
2.00pm | Life release 放生 |
2.30pm | The end 功德圓滿 |
Those joining the programs on Kathina Eve may choose to stay overnight at the Hermitage to participate in the next day morning activities. If you want to stay overnight, please contact us via email.
活动地点Venue : 兜率天修行林 (Tusita Hermitage)
Please tell me the address of how to come to Tusita Hermitage in India
Sorry Bro, there is no Tusita Hermitage branch in India, but we do have India friend who is helping us in India. Below are the info that may help you if your are interested with Tusita India. Thanks.
Village Chheti, Post Office Larankelo, Tehsil & District Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, India (Pin Code 175104)
Email: tusita.india@gmail.com
Tel: +919816317490, +919816067797