Year 2014 Wesak Day Series Celebrations Programme
In conjunction with Mother’s Day and Pre Wesak Day, we cordially invite you to Tusita Hermitage for a Pindapata and Family Day event on May 11 (Sunday). You and your family are most welcome to come to offer alms to the whole Sangha and Sayalay community at Tusita as well as visit Tusita’s various sites and exhibition booths on that day. There will also be a blood donation drive and free Chinese physician consultation on that day.
In adddition to that, on Wesak Day itself (May 13, Tuesday), we will also have puja, lamp lighting offerings, Buddha bathing ceremony and dhamma talk on that day. Bhante Buddharakkhita and 9 Bhantes and 15 Sayalays will be attending the Wesak Day Celebration. There will be dana (contribution) through lamp lighting, for any individual/personal contribution (RM20 each), family contribution (RM50 each) and free will contribution (Any Amount).
On this auspicious day, you have also the opportunity to contribute to our land and building fund. Tusita owns 11 acres of land currently. All are contributed by our passionate devotees. The current facilities are inclusive of meditation halls, Sangha’s kutis, Children and Youth Activity Centre and Canteen. With sufficient fund in the future, Tusita shall expand our development plan to include old folk home, home for the disabled and a multipurpose hall. Contribution to this land development is meritorious deed as it will provide our Sangha and meditators with a peaceful and conducive environment, a place for them to practice meditation and to realize nibbana.
If you are interested to contribute any of the above mentioned, please kindly channel your donations to the following bank:
Name of Bank : Hong Leong Bank Berhad
Beneficiary : Persatuan Dhamma Malaysia
Account No : 017-0018-3673
Bank Address : No: 42, Jalan Pending, 93450 Kuching, Sarawak.
Bank’s Swift Code: HLBBMYKL
*Please notify us at [email protected] and attach your bank in slip attention to Sister Ling and Sister Siew Fang. We rejoice in your generosity!
Please refer to the full programme and pindapata routes below. Please bring your friends and family members. We hope to see all of you there on these two auspicious days’ celebrations.
May the merits of performing these meritorious deeds through supporting the Buddha Sasana be a good condition for the attainment of Nibbana.
May you be well, happy and peaceful.
Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!