2017 Nepal Retreat with Sayadaw U Aggañña

Intake 1: 7-28/12/2017 Intake 2: 4-25/1/2018 Venue:Tusita Nepal Himalaya Branch Registration here. Remark: Dhampus Application Closing Date: 24/10/2017 Issue of approval letter: 30/10/2017 “Living a day with virtue and meditation is more worthwhile than living a hundred years without virtue Continue reading →

Great Borderless Love

中文 In the past 4 years, under the leadership of Ven. U Maṅgala, Tusita/Malaysia Dhamma Society (MDS) has contributed numerous social beneficial projects in Dhampus, Nepal. Among them are :- Concrete Bridge we helped to solve inaccessibility problem permanently during Continue reading →