Total Mangala Family Review
As a follow up to the Total Mangala Family Workshop that was held at Tusita Hermitage on 8&9 March 2014, a short review session by Bhante Buddharakkhita will be held this Saturday 19th Apr at 8.30pm after the Dhamma talk at Tusita 2, on the application of the plan. For those who have missed out on this event, here’s a brief recapture of it.
Tusita initiated this pilot project of Total Mangala family plan because we hope everyone who comes in contact with the Dhamma can learn how to apply them in their daily life especially among their family members.
As the old saying, when you invite ‘Harmony’ in, ‘Success, Health and Wealth’ will follow suit.. In order to create a happy and harmonious family, certain factors need to be in place.
The word “Mangala” means “Blessings”.
A Total Mangala Family means a family that comprises mutual respect, mutual understanding and mutual encouragement among family members. These include saying beneficial speech, embracing each other’s weakness and bringing out the best in one another, just to mention a few. A happy and harmonious family is a family who can grow and learn together. In order to put these into practice, we have also prepared a scorecard for family members to access one another. This will help them to improve as well as to create a better understanding and communication between parent and children.
A sample of the scorecard is as follows:
Bhante Buddarakkhita during his Total Mangala Family Talk
During the event, we had also invited Bro Chew and Sister Angie from KL to come share with us their secrets of raising their kids. We realized that this couple actually incorporates a lot of these factors into their family. We are most grateful for their sharing. Their full sharing could be found here: link
Bro Chew and Sister Angie
During the afternoon session, we had a very lively and meaningful open discussion with the children and their parents. The session was full of laughter and insight and also revealed some of the inner thoughts of some children and parents.
We hope you will come and join us this Saturday night. Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!
Below are the full set of the Total Mangala family notes for all of you to download.
全面吉祥家庭_amended _.pdf (Chi)
Mangala Family_Translation_07.03.14.pdf
Mangala Family Score Card CH b.pdf (Chi)
Mangala Family Score Card ENG b.pdf
How we raise Children-v2.pdf (Eng & Chi)