Dhamma Talks by Ven. U Maṅgala – Essential Vitamin D (Dhamma) for download

Improve and change daily life by listening to Dhamma talks by Bhante U Maṅgala “Science of the Mind” @ Toronto Mahavihara Buddhist Meditation Center “The Relationship between Meditation, IQ, EQ and AQ” @ Toronto Mahavihara Buddhist Meditation Center “Final Gifts Continue reading →

Dhamma Talks by Ven. U Maṅgala – Essential Vitamin D (Dhamma) for download

The Voice from Tusita welcome you to download and take a healthy dose of Vitamin D (Dhamma) for your Dhamma life. 170305 Akāliko @ Shah Alam Buddhist Society (SABS) 170319 Buddhism EQ for Teens @ Seremban Sudhamma Buddhist Society 170510 Continue reading →

Dhamma Talks by Ven. U Maṅgala for Download

Dhamma Leadership Camp @ Dhamma Earth, Semenyih. 160924_1 Dhamma, Leadership, Goal 160924_2 Vision, Positioning 160924_3 Methodology 160925_1 Optimization & Skills 160925_3 Kamma, Invisible Factors 160925_4 Endless Growth 160925_5 Real problems together we solve 160925_6 Present and external Wisdom, Applicable Truths, Continue reading →