💕 Heart 2 Heart Connection 🌻

😁 👨‍👩‍👦 Mangala Family Team of Dhamma Earth would like to present to you, the 2nd session of Second Online Parent-Child Education Series which aims to help participants gain the necessary understanding of themselves and their family from mindset aspect and to introduce ways for them to work together towards building a harmonious family. The series is suitable for parents and guardian with kids or teens aged 8-14 years old. We also welcome interested audience from all walks of life to join us.

🎙️: “Walking the Mindset Journey with Our Family”
📆: 9th May 2021 (Sun)
🕗: 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm (7:50pm Login)
👤: Sis Shu Ping, Sis Shu Jia
🗣️: Mandarin
👨‍👩‍👦: Mangala Family
🎫: Free of Charge
🌐: Zoom
✒️ Registration Form👉HERE

🏕️ Below are the video links of our past Maṅgala Family Camp at Dhamma Earth. Please enjoy:

👨‍👩‍👦😁 We welcome your participation in the sharing session. Let’s grow together with our family.
👩‍💻 😃More details,Please visit us at 👉Mangala Family FB

Sādhu! Sādhu! Sādhu! 🙏🌻😌

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