Maṅgala Family Team of Dhamma Earth would like to present to you, the 1st session of Online Parent-Child Education Series which aims to help participants gain the necessary understanding of themselves and their family from various aspects and to introduce ways for them to work together towards building a harmonious family. The series is suitable for families with kids aged 0-7 years old. We also welcome interested audience from all walks of life to join us.

🎙Topic: “Heart 2 Heart, We are a Family”
📆 Date: 18th Oct 2020
🕗 Time: 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm (7:50pm Login)
👤 Sharer: Sister Joanne Soo
👥 Guests: 邱天雄, 陈佩伶, 黃鈺凌
🗣 Language: Mandarin
🏕 Host: Maṅgala Family
🎫 Fee: Free of Charge
🌐 Online: Zoom & FB Live (Zoom link will be annouced in Facaebook)
🌐 Mangala Family FB Link : 👉

We welcome your participation in the sharing session. Let’s grow together with our family.

Sādhu! Sādhu! Sādhu!

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