2017 Nepal Retreat with Sayadaw U Aggañña

Intake 1: 7-28/12/2017 Intake 2: 4-25/1/2018 Venue:Tusita Nepal Himalaya Branch Registration here. Remark: Dhampus Application Closing Date: 24/10/2017 Issue of approval letter: 30/10/2017 “Living a day with virtue and meditation is more worthwhile than living a hundred years without virtue Continue reading →

Dhamma Talks by Ven. U Maṅgala – Essential Vitamin D (Dhamma) for download

The Voice from Tusita welcome you to download and take a healthy dose of Vitamin D (Dhamma) for your Dhamma life. 170305 Akāliko @ Shah Alam Buddhist Society (SABS) 170319 Buddhism EQ for Teens @ Seremban Sudhamma Buddhist Society 170510 Continue reading →

The Voice of Tusita – Essential Vitamin D (Dhamma) for All

Just as the Sun radiates and provides us with Vitamin D, the Dhamma Vitamin nourishes and grows our Wisdom and Compassion. The Voice from Tusita once again welcome you to download and take a healthy dose of Vitamin D (Dhamma)! Continue reading →

2017 Tusita Hermitage Kuching and Semenyih Dhamma Earth Activities

Remark: Tusita Hermitage is open for public to meditate whole year round. Kindly register online at https://tusitainternational-archive.dhammaearth.org/retreat-2/forms/ Tusita Hermitage Address: Lot 659, Block 9, Matang Land District, Sin San Tu A Road, Batu Kawa Matang Road, 93250 Kuching. T1, T2, Continue reading →

Dhamma Talks by Ven. U Maṅgala for Download

Dhamma Leadership Camp @ Dhamma Earth, Semenyih. 160924_1 Dhamma, Leadership, Goal 160924_2 Vision, Positioning 160924_3 Methodology 160925_1 Optimization & Skills 160925_3 Kamma, Invisible Factors 160925_4 Endless Growth 160925_5 Real problems together we solve 160925_6 Present and external Wisdom, Applicable Truths, Continue reading →