[Maṅgala Saying]To concur with the Buddha
Who has once, in the sunset
Searched for dreams that seem to have gone far
After countless deceits and struggles
Childlike innocence has been sealed, words of vicissitude have been uttered
How many springs, summers, autumns and winters have passed
A sudden gain of the insight to the truth of the world
Startled that the price of success is priceless
Youth has passed and there’s only this much of Dhamma affinity
Let’s go, let’s go
Light the lamp of Dhamma in our mind
Let go, let go
Don’t worry about things you can’t bring along
Let’s go, let’s go
Don’t be afraid the world will laugh at you
Open your heart and mind to the Buddha
Let the Dhamma flows into your mind
and concur with the Buddha in the Dhamma
Stop holding onto the scar
Our mind is hurt because of the sense of ‘I’
Be like the empty space, let the wind blow and the rain hit
Learn emptiness, brightness and inactions; when there’s non-self, we won’t be afraid
Practice morality, concentration and wisdom conscientiously
Do not crave for a certain state but purify the causes
Let the words of criticism or praise be
Work on the causes and not be attached; when there’s non-self, we won’t be afraid