[Maṅgala Saying]Dhamma Path
Upon receiving my student’s meditation practice report and well wishes, I felt deeply relieved.
The focus on meditation practice lies in the process. That’s the place where one accumulates causes. If one could let go of one’s thoughts on people and self, gains and losses, sufferings and happiness; let go of the utilitarian mind of not diligently working on the causes yet seeking results and not squabble over trifles with teachers and fellow practitioners but rather focus on the purification of the mind, putting in the right causes and following the Dhamma well, then the present life of a monastic would be filled with the Dhamma.
Starting on a journey, it’s not how long you’ve been walking but whether you’re walking the right path. When you’re on the right path, you will never ask why you haven’t gotten anything?
Cause and effect is true. Wholesome Dhamma practitioners do not blame the results because their focus is on their present mind and present cause, letting the effect be as it is. They don’t suffer no matter what they experience at the present but rather, they are at ease.
We are connected although we are far away when Dhamma is in our minds.
May everyone be safe, happy, healthy, and have progress. May your noble wishes be perfected just like the Dhamma.