Kathina Day /功德衣庆典
Kathina Day is an important and auspicious day in the Buddhist calendar. On this day, the Buddhist devotees assemble in the monastery and offer robes and other gifts to the monks.
Kathina was initiated by Lord Buddha for the benefit of the monks who had observed the Vassa retreat. The Vassa retreat begins from the full moon of July till the full moon of October. As this is also the rainy season, it is also known as the rainy retreat. During this period Sangha community is supposed to stay in a temple (Vihara) continuously to meditate and practice self-discipline.
When the monks come out of retreat which is sometime in November, the Kathina Ceremony is held in which lay person offers robes and other basic necessities to the monks.
Kuching Bhagavan Buddhist Society is pleased to inform you that the annual Kathina Ceremony is to be held on November 11, 2012 (Sunday) and highly appreciate your participation in the ceremony. We are glad to inform you that Sayadaw U Kancana and about 15 Bhantes and 20 plus Sayalays will be attending the Kathina Ceremony.
古晋菩提法苑高兴地通知您,今年的功德衣庆典将于 2012 年 11 月 11 日 (星期日) 举行,欢迎您参与此庆典。屆時,Sayadaw U Kancana 尊者和大约15位僧侶及大约20 Sayalays 将会出席。
Please see below the Kathina Ceremony’s events on the eve and Kathina Day:
<兜率天修行林> 功德衣庆典 Tusita Hermitage KATHINA CEREMONY |
10 November 2012 / 2012年11月10日 (Kathina Eve / 功德衣庆典前夕) |
Time 時間 |
Programme 節目 |
2:00-4:30pm | Blood Donation 捐血 |
3:00-3:30pm | Distributing of Goodies Bag to Senior Citizens 分布的老年公民的增效工具袋分布礼品给乐龄人士(50岁以上者) |
6:30pm | Guided meditation 禪修指導 |
7:30pm | Interview 小參 |
8:00-8:30pm | Slide Show 放映幻燈片 |
8:30-9:30pm | Dhamma Talk 佛法開示 |
9:30pm | Lighting of candle surrounding Meditation Hall 點燈(繞禪堂) |
9:40pm | Sharing of Merits 功德分享/迥向 |
11 November 2012 / 2012年11月11日 (Kathina Day / 功德衣庆典) |
Time 時間 |
Programme 節目 |
6:30am | Breakfast dana 早餐供養 |
8:00am | Arrival of devotees & offer to the Buddha 居士入座及传供品 (recite Buddhanussati念诵佛随念) |
8:15am | – Arrival of Sanghas & nuns at meditation hall 僧伽及尼師入座
– Sanghas & Nuns to offer pagoda, flower, light, incense, water, fruits供佛 – Take 5 precepts 请求三归五戒 |
9:00am | Chanting 誦经 |
9:30-10:30am | Dhamma Talk佛法開示 |
11:00am | Lunch Dana 午餐供養 |
12:45pm | Arrival of devotees, offering(passing) of the Kathina robe 居士入座及传功德衣 (recite Sanghanussati念诵僧随念) |
1:00pm | – Arrival of Sanghas & nuns at meditation hall 僧伽及尼師入座
– Dhamma Talk佛法開示 |
1:15pm | Offering Kathina Robe by KBBS representative, 4 requisites & Land and Building Fund Packages供功德衣,四資具及土地及建筑基金项目 |
2.00pm | Life release 放生 |
2.30pm | Children Novitiate Programme 儿童短期出家典礼 |
3.30pm | The end 功德圓滿 |
During this auspicious day, you are cordially invited to participate in this meritorious deed. Kathina ceremony promotes generosity and selflessness. It also provides an opportunity to the people to gain spirituality. There are robes (RM300 each) and 4 Allowable requisites (RM100 each / RM50 each) available for contribution.
You may contribute to any of followings that are meaningful to you:
REF#代号 | ITEMS/项目 | AMOUNT/款项 |
KR | Robes/袈裟 |
RM 300 |
KQ1 | 4 Requisites Type1/四资具一 |
RM 100 |
KQ2 | 4 Requisites Type2/四资具二 |
RM 50 |
Land & Building Fund/土地及建筑基金 |
K1 | Package 1/款项一 |
RM 5,000 |
K2 | Package 2/款项二 |
RM 2,000 |
K3 | Package 3/款项三 |
RM 1,000 |
K4 | Package 4/款项四 |
RM 500 |
K5 | Package 5/款项五 |
RM 300 |
K6 | Package 6/款项六 |
RM 200 |
K7 | Package 7/款项七 |
RM 100 |
K8 | Package 8/款项八 |
RM 50 |
K9 | Package 9/款项九 | Any amount/随缘 |
除了袈裟及四資具,您也可供養土地及建筑基金。此基金主要用于购买邻近的土地及缴纳建筑费用,以提供更多的住处及地方让更多的禅修者安心的禅修。如今正有一工程在进行中。若因缘具足,兜率天将计划扩大。此进一步扩大供養的功德非常殊勝, 因為它是提供禪修者安稳的住处,让他们能专心及安心的禪修乃体証涅槃的途徑 。
In addition to the robes and allowable requisites, you may also contribute to Land and Building Fund. This fund is meant to purchase nearby land and to build more building to accommodate more meditators. Currently, one of the constructions is in progress, if right condition arises, we plan for further expansion. Contribution to this fund is a meritorious act,as it will be used for retreat by the meditators, to practice meditation and to learn dhamma.
Please be informed that the item Ref # K1 to K9 in the table above will be given to the donors in the form of simple ‘model’ for offering to the Sangha on Kathina Day.
如您有意贡献上述任何物品,請依捐献項目把捐款存入本苑在各銀行的戶口, 資料如下:-
If you are interested to contribute any of the above items, please kindly bank in to the respective bank accounts as appended below, i.e.
银行戶口資料Bank account info | 袈裟及四資具Robe & 4 requisities |
银行Name of Bank | Maybank |
戶口號碼Account No. | 5-11083-104017 |
銀行地址Bank’s address | Jalan Pending Sales & Service Centre,Lots D36-1,D37-1, D38-1 & D38-2 (CornerLot), Yoshikawa Commercial Centre, Jalan Pelabuhan, 93450Kuching, Sarawak,Malaysia. |
Bank’s Swift Code | MBBEMYKL |
請把銀行存入紙條電郵給Yuet Ling居士(016-8880018), [email protected]以方便與銀行對帳。
Please EMAIL to Sister Yuet Ling (016-8880018) at [email protected] for ease of bank reconciliation purpose.
正式收据將只寄給有要求收據的贊助人 。
Kindly be informed that the OFFICIAL RECEIPT will be sent to the donor upon request only.
我也藉此機會代表<古晉菩提法苑>對<兜率天修行林>的僧眾及尼師們表示謝意。非常感恩及感謝僧眾及尼師們慈悲的在<兜率天修行林>修行及過雨安居。因為他們, 我們才有因緣條件不斷的累積善業及功德。
On behalf of KBBS, I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation and gratitude to the Sanghas and Sayalays for their kindness to practice and spend their vassa in Tusita Hermitage, Kuching. Their existence has created good condition for us to perform good kamma and great merits continuously.
愿這護持佛教的殊勝功德, 能成為我們成就涅槃的助緣。
May the merits of performing this meritorious deed through supporting the Buddha Sasana be a good condition for the attainment of Nibbana.
藉著這真實的話語, 愿三寶保護您及家人!
By the speaking of the truth, may the Triple-Gem protect you and your family!
愿您平安, 快樂, 祥和。
May you be well, happy and peaceful.
With metta,
Sister Lee Ling /丽玲居士
Organizing Chairperson
013 8116 610