Mangala Sayings (Chinese) e-Book Download (pdf).
佛护尊者(Ven. Buddharakkhita)开示
内容: 布施, 持戒, 禅修, 恭敬, 服务, 随喜与分享功德, 闻法, 传法, 立定正见
“Bodhisamvara Series Dhamma Talk MP3 (Mandarin)” by Ven. Buddharakkhita.
Content: Giving,Precepts,Mental Cultivation,Reverence,Service,Rejoice & Sharing of Merits, Listening to Dhamma, Expounding Dhamma, Establishing Right View.
12/8-《吉祥语》e书及“菩提资粮”系列开示发布 — 没有评论
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