24/11:Sunday Large Pindapata Activity in Kuching Tusita Hermitage

Bhante Mangala led the Sangha for pindapataFor the welfare and happiness of all, Tusita Hermitage will be holding a large Pindapata event on 24th November. Venerable U Mangala will lead the community of monks and nuns (including young novice monks and young sayalays) on the Pindapata at Jalan Sin San Tu A, Taman Genesis.

This auspicious event will comprise of 80+ monks and nuns from around the world including Malaysia, Singapore, United States, Indonesia, China and Taiwan. The monks and nuns will depart Tusita One at 7:00am for Taman Genesis.

Together, let us make this a fulfilling event! See you there!

02/09: Ven. U Mangala’s Dhamma Talks + Q&A in Chinese, English and Bi-lingual release

Sorry for a long wait. Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Dhamma, Ven. U Mangala ‘s Dhamma talks in Chinese, English and Bi-lingual are newly release for public download, may all be free and delight to download:

120826 以智慧做布施与其他佛法问答 (Chinese: Performing Dana with Wisdom and other Dhamma Q&A)

121029 向大自然学习 (Chinese: Learning from Nature)

130805 禅修引导 Guided Meditation (English and Chinese)

130814 上座部佛教的临终关怀与其他问答 (Chinese: Theravada Buddhist ‘s Way in Palliative Care and other Dhamma Q&A)

130818 南传佛教简介—于南北传佛教交流营的分享 (Chinese: Brief Introduction to Theravada Buddhism – A Dhamma sharing during Theravada and Mahayana Buddhist Fellowship Camp)

130831 Saturday night Dhamma Questions and Answers (English)

130901 佛法问答 (Chinese: Is it ok to speak with one’s tongue in one’s cheek? and other Dhamma Q&A)

19/07: Some Pa Auk Sayadaw’s e-Books to share with all

Some e-Books by the Most Venerable Pa Auk Sayadaw to share with all. Just click to download the PDF or visit English eBook Store.

Access to the Breath

Breakthrough in Samatha Meditation and Vipassana Meditation

How to Make An End to Suffering

Light of Wisdom

Mindfulness of Breathing (Rev II) a pdf by PAMC

The Most Superior Kind of Offering

The Only Way for the Realization of Nibbana a pdf by PAMC